Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

cheat gta san andreas

Cheat GTA San Andreas         

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is a computer and video game action-adventure-style sandbox developed by Rockstar North. Background in the fictional state of San Andreas, which has three metropolitan cities. Set in late 1992, San Andreas revolves around gang member Carl "CJ" Johnson. GTA San Andreas consists of the driving games and third-person shooters, and gameplay features "open-world" which gives players more freedom to play. This game adds several features, such as modification, and personalization of characters, such as hairstyles, tattoos, etc..

With so many missions to be played in this game, we need a few tricks to ease in completing the missions in GTA games. That is using Cheat code GTA San Andreas.

How to use it, when a game or pause the game, type the cheat codes below to activate the function code. If you typed it correctly, it would appear the words "Cheat Activated" at the top corners.

 Armor, blood (health) and MoneyHESOYAMGOODBYECRUELWORLD suicide SZCMAWOWEAPONSWeapons (tier 1)LXGIWYLWeapons (tier 2) PROFESSIONALSKIT KJKSZPJWeapons (tier 3)UZUMYMWParachuteAIYPWZQPCAPABILITYGun control in the car manualOUIQDMWBMX high leap CJPHONEHOME JHJOECWBody fatBTCDBCBUnlimited breath under waterCVWKXAMMuscular body as Ade Rai BUFFMEUP JYSDSODMaximum RespectWORSHIPMEEHIBXQS HELLOLADIES maximum sex appealNatural driving ability NATURALTALENTMaximum driving ability (driving expert) STICKLIKEGLUE PGGOMOYHigh jump Kangaroo LFGMHALSuper punch STINGLIKEABEE IAVENJQNormal weight (not fat, not thin)KVGYZQKIt was never hungryAEDUWNVHitman level in all weapons PROFESSIONALKILLER NCSGDAGInfinite ammo FULLCLIP WANRLTWInfinite life (except in an explosion and falls from height) CAINEMVHZC BAGUVIXTrafficAggressive trafficYLTEICZTraffic beater (beater)BGKGTJHLow traffic GHOSTTOWN THGLOJRural car traffic EVERYONEISPOOR FVTMNBZGUSNHDE EVERYONEISRICH sports car trafficGreen traffic light ZEIIVGAll cars are blackIOWDLACAll cars are pinkLLQPFBNVEHICLECar racecar VROCKPOKEY PDNEJOH2 car racecarVPJTQWVCar RancherJQNTDMHRhino TankAIWPRTONCar Romero (hearse) WHERESTHEFUNERAL AQTBCODXLimousine car CELEBRITYSTATUS KRIJEBRDragonfly aircraft FLYINGTOSTUNT URKQSRKTanker carsAMOMHRERJunk cars TRUEGRIME UBHYZHQVortex car (amphibians)KGGGDKPBloodring Banger car OLDSPEEDDEMON CQZIJMBCar Caddy (golf cart)RZHSUEWDozer car ITSALLBULL EEGCYXTMilitary helicopters (HUNTER) OHDUDEHydra (Fighter / Jet) JUMPJETJetpack RocketmanMonster car MONSTERMASH AGBDLCIDQuad bike (ATV) FOURWHEELFUN AKJJYGLCEFFECT VEHICLECar immuneJCNRUADDestroy / blow up all cars ALLCARSGOBOOM CPKTNWTShip / boat flying FLYINGFISH AFSNMSMWCHITTYCHITTYBANGBANG RIPAZHA flying carTaxi NOS VKYPQCFAll cars have nitrous (NOS) SPEEDFREAKIf hit by a car will drift BUBBLECARS BSXSGGCCar invisible / transparent WHEELSONLYPLEASE XICWMDPOLICEAnti police IFIRSTDOZ AEZAKMIWanted by the six-star level BRINGITON LJSPQKWanted level increased 2 stars TURNUPTHEHEAT OSRBLHHReduce the wanted level (star) TURNDOWNTHEHEAT ASNAEBWEATHERWeather with thunderstorms CWJXUOCFoggy weather CFVFGMJRainy weather AUIFRVQSWeather the storm SCOTTISHSUMMER MGHXYRMSunny weather PLEASANTLYWARM AFZLLQLLThe weather is very sunny TOODAMNHOT ICIKPYHCucaca cloudyALNSFMZOPedestrianChaos in the city STATEOFEMERGENCY IOJUFZNPedestrians like Elvis Persley BLUESUEDESHOES ASBHGRBPedestrians attack the premises of weaponsBGLUAWMLPedestrians have weaponsFOOOXFTPedestrians attack each otherAJLOJYQYRural themeBMTPWHRYakuza theme (NINJA) NINJATOWN AFPHULTLGangs and workers ONLYHOMIESALLOWED MROEMZHOnly the existing alley in the city BIFBUZZKinky themeBEKKNQVBeach party anywhere LIFESABEACHCIKGCGXCarnival (funhouse mode) CRAZYTOWN PRIEBJGrace on your head (pursued PSK)BAGOWPGGameplayRapid movement SPEEDITUP PPGWJHTSlow motion (matrix) SLOWITDOWN LIYOAAYTime runs faster YSOHNULEffects of adrenal ANOSEONGLASS MUNASEFThe time is always 00:00 or 12:00 NIGHTPROWLER XJVSNAJThe time is always at 21:00OFVIACPedestrian recruits as the GangRecruit gang with gunsSJMAHPERecruit gang with RPG ROCKETMAYHEM ZSOXFSQ

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